Nos 1-27, 1985-2023
Compiled by Peter W. Thomas
The references under each heading consist of the relevant Journal number (in bold type) followed by the relevant page number(s) within that Journal. Multiple references are separated by an oblique stroke (/). Though some earlier numbers of the Journal are now out of print, the articles in them can be obtained via the Museum website.
The principles on which the indexes have been compiled should be largely self-explanatory. The Name Index comprises the names of writers, editors, compilers etc. of individual contributions. Editorials are not indexed, but since the Journal’s editors are responsible for the shape and content of the issues they oversee their names are given here for the record: Roger Radcliffe (nos 1-15), Colin Harris (nos 16-18), Peter Thomas (nos 19-27). (As it happens their names appear in the indexes as contributors of individual articles. We also have Colin Harris to thank for producing retyped and improved versions of some early Journals, though it is the ‘first editions’ which are indexed here.) In the Title Index, a definite or indefinite article (‘The’, ‘A’ or ‘An’) which occurs as the first word of a title is disregarded when determining alphabetical order, in accordance with recognised practice. General subjects within the Subject Index are to be understood as including the words ‘with reference to the Parish of St Agnes’; this index also includes the names of persons who are the subject of biographical or autobiographical articles.
Most contributions to the Journals are illustrated. An asterisk (*) preceding a reference under a personal or group name means that the article in question includes at least one illustration (usually a photograph) of that person or members of that family or other group. Occasionally an illustration is a contribution in itself rather than an enhancement to a written article. In these cases, the artist’s name is indexed.
Name Index
Adams, Jane 3, 30-33
Adams, Nicholas 9, 34-35
Adams, Peter *27, 24-26
Andrew, F.R. 18, 34-36
Anonymous 9, 33 / 11, 37-39 / 14, 32 / 15, 21-25 / 18, 37-39 / 19, 13-14 / 25, 8-10 / 26, 16-19 / 26, 31-32 / 26, 54-57 / 26, 64-66 / 27, 27 / 27, 28-29
Atkinson, Keith 2, 39-44
Benney, Clive 4, 34-38 / 7, 6-14 / 9, 3-4 / 11, 4-12 / 22, 51 / 25, 4-7 / 27, 9-16
Best, Richard Stanley 26, 20
Bizley, Maurice H. 20, 27-28
Blackney, John Thomas *5, 24-34
Bottrell, William 21, 39-40
Brand, John 22, 40-42
Branfield, John 19, 31-33 / 20, 13-15 / 21, 6-11 / 22, 18-20 / 23, 5-10 / 23, 36-39
Brown, Kenneth 5, 35-40 / 15, 26-28
Browning, Harold *10, 25-30
Bunney, Graham 18, 40-42
Burrows, Isobel 10, 3-24 / *22, 21-22
Butcher, Derek 16, 32-35
Butson, John 19, 15-18
Cannon, David 23, 27-29
Carpenter, Frank 1, [ii], 3-6 / 3, 27-29 / 4, 30-33 / 5, 24-34 / 5, 41-45 / 6, 48-53 / 7, 15-46 / 8, 36-45 / 10, 3-4 / 10, 36-39 / 10, 44 / 10, 47 / 11, 13-20
Carter, John *7, 15-46
Cheshire, Esther *12, 36-39
Chynoweth, Tom 2, 34-38 / 4, 27-29
Clemo, Jack *26, 59-63
Cruikshank, George 22, 48-49
Dale, Joan 22, 22-23
Davey, Margaret *16, 35-37
Donahue, Patricia 3, 8-10
Donnithorne, Les 19, 5-12
Edwards, Stella *10, 33-35
Edwards, Theresa *22, 6-11
Field, John Edward 25, 51-55
Foote, Charles *10, 31-32
Francoa, Mme L. *10, 47-50
French, Jill *10, 45-46
Giles, Hilary 19, 34-35
Hannigan, Des 25, 36-38
Hardy, Graham 21, 41-45
Hardy, Maria 2, 3-5
Harris, Colin 19, 5-12
Harris, J. Henry 20, 16-19
Holmes, Lawrence 16, 5-31
Hunt, Robert 22, 46-49
Jefford, Joyce 19, 40-43 / 22, 24-25
Jones, Ann Preston- See Preston-Jones, Ann
Jones, Robert 23, 32-35
Kelmsley, I. 21, 5
Kent, Madeleine *20, 23-25
Kersley, Roy 16, 3-5
Kneebone, Muriel *11, 27-30
Knight, Anne 13, 39-48, [49]
Lacy, Roger 11, 4-12
Leatham, Terence 9, 32
Legg, Arthur *10, 40-44 / 11, 35-36
Lewis, Samuel 22, 4-5
Long, Frank *24, 14-32
Luke, Ross *16, 5-31
Mansell, Tony 23, 11-26 / 24, 14-32 / 24, 33-42 / 24, 49-60 / 25, 41-50 / 26, 35-46 / 27, 30-43
Mantel, Hilary 24, 11-13
Martin, Keith 22, 29-39
Massey, Mary 8, 4-9
Mattingly, Joanna 14, 4-14
Mayers, Lynne 17, 3-7
Midgley, Madeleine 23, 4
Mitchell, Thomas 20, 4-12
Morrison, Bill 1, 11 / 2, 12 / 3, 11-22 / 5, 5-23 / 5, 46-47 / 12, 27-35 / 14, 23-24 / 14, 25-31
Murrish, Brian 19, 43 / 22, 27-28
Norway, Arthur H. 19, 34-35
O’Connor, Mike 26, 33-34
Orme, Nicholas 25, 56-57
Pakeman, Angela *19, 38-39
Paull, Sid 7, 47-48
Phillpotts, Henry 7, 3-5
Pococke, Richard 23, 30-31
Pope, Michael *19, 19-26 / 23, 27-29
Preston-Jones, Ann 1, 7-11 / 2, 13-17 / 3, 5-7 / 6, 3-41 / 6, 42-47 / 13, 1, 3-29
Pryor, Oswald 3, 36 (cartoon) / 4, 39 (cartoon)
Pugsley, David *21, 12-22
Radcliffe, Roger 1, 24-34 / 2, 18-33 / 3, 34-35 / 6, 3-41 / 12, 4-5 / 26, 4-15
Raw Cornish 25, 39
Redfearn, John 1, 14-23, [35]
Richards, John 27, 47
Richens, Bill *22, 12-17
Ridholls, Joe *24, 33-42
Roberts, Arthur *10, 3-24
Roberts, Neil 19, 5-12 / 21, 30-38
Rose, Peter 6, 3-41
Rowe, Ashley 9, 5-31 / 9, 36 (woodcut)
Rowse, Isaac 12, 6-16
Salter, Sarah 4, 22-26
Sarre, Wilfred 7, 47-48 / 17, 23-52 / 18, 3-33
Sawle, John 1, 12-13 / 22, 26-27
Sawle, Martin *11, 31-34
Scrimgeour, Carla 22, 25-26
Shaw, Colin 27, 17-19
Shee, Martin Archer 19, 60
Shrimpton, Ian 26, 21-30
Smith, Robin 4, 6-21
Stockdale, F.W.L. 19, 59-60
Swift, Michael G. 22, 43-45
Taylor, Caroline 25, 60 (illustration)
Thomas, Herbert *15, 21-25
Thomas, Peter 2, 6-11 / 7, 3-5 / 17, 23-52 / 18, 3-33 / 19, 5-12 / 19, 46-58 / 20, 20-26 / 21, 46-52 / 25, 51-55 / 25, 59 / 26, 54-58 / 26, 59-63 / 27, 20-23
Thomas, Richard 20, 29-31
Thomas, William 15, 5-20 + 3 loose figures
Thompson, Elizabeth 17, 18-22 / 19, 27-30 / 19, 36-37
Thompson, Tom 20, 4-12 / 24, 4-10 / 25, 12-20 / 26, 47-53
Thould, Tony 17, 8-17
Tinn, Soozie 27, 44-46
Tonkin, Thomas 23, 40-42 / 24, 3
Tredinnick, Betty 8, 10-35 / 12, 6-16
Tredinnick, Eddie 11, 21-26
Tregellas, John Tabois 1, 12-13 / 2, 34-38 / 3, 23-26 / 4, 27-29 / 21, 23-29 / 24, 44-45
Tremewan, Gerry 13, 30-38
Tremewan, John Ernest 12, 6-16
Tremewan, Peter 12, 17-26
Trengove, Ron 15, 29-38
Trengove, Rose 15, 29-38
Tresidder, William 25, 54-55
Trezise, Reg 6, 54 / 8, 46 / *11, 35-36 / 12, 43-44
Tyler, Vivienne 19, 44-45
Walsh, Peter T. 25, 21-35
Walters, Hamilton Tremewan 5, 46-47
White, George Gregson 25, 58
White, Rupert 27, 3-8
White, Walter 24, 43-48
Whitehead, Joseph 18, 43-48
Whitworth, Christopher 12, 40-42
Whitworth, Henry 14, 15-22
Whitworth, J.S. *15, 5-20 + 3 loose figures
Whitworth, Katie 19, 27-30
Williams, Janet 22, 23-24
Williams, Sue 13, 39-48, [49]
Wills, Colin 12, 43-44 / 15, 39-43
Woon, Cyril 8, 46
Title Index
Agnes (John Richards) 27, 47
Aircraft Crashes in St. Agnes during the Second World War (F.R. Andrew) 18, 34-36
Alfred Rudall (1840-1922), Vicar of St Agnes, Musician and Inventor (Peter Thomas) 21, 46-52
All the Little Animals: Walker Hamilton’s Best-Seller of the Nineteen-Sixties (John Branfield) 21, 6-11
‘All They Popes Can Sing’ (Ian Shrimpton) 26, 21-30
An American Perspective (Charles Foote) 10, 31-32
Appendix [to The Reconstruction of St. Agnes Harbour]: the Survey of the Harbour (Ann Preston-Jones) 6, 42-47
Arthur Roberts’ Wartime Diary (Arthur Roberts / Isobel Burrows) 10, 3-24
Ashley Rowe (Clive Benney) 9, 3-4
An Authority on Mining in the St. Agnes Parish (Anonymous / Herbert Thomas) 15, 21-25
Bal Maidens and Bal Boys in St. Agnes (Lynne Mayers) 17, 3-7
The Ballad of Bolster (Soozie Tinn) 27, 44-46
A Best-Selling Author in St Agnes: Madeleine Kent (1897-1977) (Madeleine Kent / Peter Thomas) 20, 20-26
The Butterflies and Moths of St. Agnes Head (Gerry Tremewan) 13, 30-38
Cameron Camp 1940 (Harold Browning) 10, 25-30
Captain Ninnis in New Zealand (Mary Massey) 8, 4-9
The Carters of St. Agnes, Cornwall (John Carter / Frank Carpenter) 7, 15-46
The Chacewater & Newquay Railway (Branchline) (John Redfearn) 1, 14-23, [35]
The Chapel of St Agnes in 1331 (Nicholas Orme) 25, 56-57
Chronicles of Bolster. I (Arthur H. Norway) 19, 34-35
Chronicles of Bolster. II (J. Henry Harris) 20, 16-19
Chronicles of Bolster. III (William Bottrell) 21, 39-40
Chronicles of Bolster. IV (Robert Hunt / George Cruikshank) 22, 46-49
Chronicles of Bolster. V (Thomas Tonkin) 23, 40-42
Chronicles of Bolster. VI (Hilary Mantel) 24, 11-13
Chronicles of Bolster. VII (Raw Cornish) 25, 39-40
Chronicles of Bolster. VIII (Mike O’Connor) 26, 33-34
Chronicles of Bolster. IX (Soozie Tinn) 27, 44-46
The Clunked Bully (Hamilton Tremewan Walters / Bill Morrison) 5, 46-47
Coronation Celebrations in St Agnes Parish (Anonymous / Richard Stanley Best) 26, 16-20
“Country Most Dreary, Cut up by Mines” (Henry Phillpotts / Peter Thomas) 7, 3-5
Descriptions of St Agnes. I (F.W.L. Stockdale) 19, 59-60
Descriptions of St Agnes. II (Richard Thomas) 20, 29-31
Descriptions of St Agnes. III (I. Kelmsley) 21, 5
Descriptions of St Agnes. IV (Samuel Lewis) 22, 4-5
Descriptions of St Agnes. V (Richard Pococke) 23, 30-31
Descriptions of St Agnes. VI (Walter White) 24, 43-48
Descriptions of St Agnes. VII (Anonymous) 25, 8-11
Descriptions of St Agnes. VIII (Anonymous) 26, 64-66
Descriptions of St Agnes. IX (Anonymous) 27, 27
The Devil’s Fingers (Roger Radcliffe) 3, 34-35
Dirtypool Forge (John Tabois Tregellas / John Sawle) 1, 12-13
Dreadful Accident (Anonymous / Nicholas Adams) 9, 33-35
Eddie Tredinnick – a St. Ann’s Man, 1889-1983 (Betty Tredinnick) 8, 10-35
Elisha Hales: a Victorian Farmer, his Family and Life at Mingoose Farm (John Branfield) 23, 36-39
Excavation of a Barrow on Goonlaze Downs, St. Agnes, 1860 (Ann Preston-Jones) 2, 13-17
Experiencing History in Virtual Reality (Roger Radcliffe) 26, 4-15
First Cornish Sunday School (Bill Morrison) 14, 23-24
Five Generations of Whitworths in one General Practice (Tony Thould) 17, 8-17
The Forge. – Story the Second (Tom Chynoweth / John Tabois Tregellas) 2, 34-38
Frank Long – the Lunnener (Tony Mansell) 24, 14-32
George Coulter Hancock (Bill Morrison) 12, 27-35
George Gerry and his Donkey (Wilfred Sarre / Sid Paull) 7, 47-48
A Gift in Deed (Roger Radcliffe) 2, 18-33
The Goon Show: an Introduction to Cornish Place-Names in St Agnes (Peter Thomas) 19, 46-58
Goonbell Thunderbolt (Anonymous) 26, 31-32
Goonvean 50-Inch Engine (Kenneth Brown) 5, 35-40
“Harmony Cot” (Maria Hardy) 2, 3-5
Hedging the Cuckoo (and other matters) (John Edward Field / William Tresidder / Peter Thomas) 25, 51-55
The History of our Airfield: Trevellas, Perranporth (Anonymous) 18, 37-39
A History of St. Agnes Royal Observer Corps Observer Post 1941-1991 (Lawrence Holmes / Ross Luke) 16, 5-31
The History of the Stile Fields Mortuary Chapels (the St. Agnes Museum) (Frank Carpenter) 11, 13-20
100 Years in West Kitty, 1918-2018 (John Brand) 22, 40-42
‘It was a BOMB, and where do you think it Landed?’ (Katie Whitworth / Elizabeth Thompson) 19, 27-30
‘I’ve had a Fantastic Life’ (Joe Ridholls) 24, 33-42
Jack Clemo at St Agnes (Jack Clemo / Peter Thomas) 26, 59-63
John Carter’s Visit to England in 1884 (John Carter / Frank Carpenter) 7, 27-46
John Wesley Preached Here (Bill Morrison) 1, 11
The Journal of John Carter (1835-1907) (John Carter / Frank Carpenter) 7, 16-26
The Journal of John Thomas Blackney, 1828-1900 (John Thomas Blackney / Frank Carpenter) 5, 24-34
The Ketch Ystwyth (Tom Thompson) 26, 47-53
Last Word on the Cuckoo? (Anonymous) 27, 28-29
Legendary Drummer: Roger Taylor, Queen and St Agnes (Rupert White) 27, 3-8
Lest we Forget (Les Donnithorne / Colin Harris / Neil Roberts / Peter Thomas) 19, 5-12
A Little Piece of History in Goonown (Sarah Salter) 4, 22-26
The Lodes of the St. Agnes District (J.S. Whitworth et al.) 15, 5-20 + 3 loose figures
The Lodger (Anonymous) 14, 32
Lost (1925): a True Story (Esther Cheshire) 12, 36-39
Mazed Markey (John Tabois Tregellas) 3, 23-26
Memories of Childhood in St Agnes during World War Two (Michael Pope) 19, 19-26
Memories of Goonbell 1940-42 (Jill French) 10, 45-46
Memories of Miss Roberts’s Private School at Goonvrea (Isobel Burrows / Joan Dale / Janet Williams / Joyce Jefford / Carla Scrimgeour / John Sawle / Brian Murrish) 22, 21-28
Memories of St Agnes (Vivienne Tyler) 19, 44-45
Memories of St. Agnes Surgery (Elizabeth Thompson) 17, 18-22
More about the Cuckoo – and the Bolster Bank (Anonymous / Peter Thomas) 26, 54-58
More Tales of Reg Trezise (Reg Trezise / Arthur Legg) 11, 35-36
Mount Hawke (Ashley Rowe) 9, 5-31
Mousey and the Tourist (Tom Chynoweth / John Tabois Tregellas) 2, 34-38
Mousey Cock (Tom Chynoweth / John Tabois Tregellas) 2, 34
The Museum’s Longcase Clocks (Tom Thompson) 24, 4-10
My Experience and History of St Agnes (Colin Shaw) 27, 17-19
My Time as District Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor in St Agnes, 1952 to 1954 (Angela Pakeman) 19, 38-39
The Mystery Gun of Peterville (Frank Carpenter) 10, 44
New Wheal Towan Engine House (Ron Trengove / Rose Trengove) 15, 29-38
New Wheal Towan, Porthtowan (Kenneth Brown) 15, 26-28
Nine Maidens Dancing? (Ann Preston-Jones) 1, 7-11
Notes on Elisha Rickard (1837-1914) and his Family (Jane Adams) 3, 30-33
On the Local Buses Fifty Years ago – Harper and Kellow, St Agnes (Joyce Jefford / Brian Murrish) 19, 40-43
‘One St Anns Man to Another’: the Letters of Wilfred Sarre to E.G. Retallack Hooper, 1932-1937 (Wilfred Sarre / Peter Thomas) 17, 23-52 / 18, 3-33
The Opening of ‘Friendly Retreat’ on the 12th of May 1923 (Anonymous) 19, 13-14
Parish Limericks (Peter Thomas) 25, 59
Personalities of Mount Hawke (Terence Leatham) 9, 32
Peterville Chapel (Bill Morrison) 3, 11-22
A Profile of a St. Agnes Family in the Nineteenth Century (Peter Tremewan) 12, 17-26
Pub Crawl Down Quay (Frank Carpenter) 6, 48-53
Public Houses of St Agnes Parish (Tony Mansell) 25, 41-50 / 26, 35-46 / 27, 30-43
Quay, Beach and Trevaunance Valley (Eddie Tredinnick) 11, 21-26
Quayside Drama (Reg Trezise) 6, 54
The ‘Radio House’ Rhyming Advertisement, 1953 (Maurice H. Bizley) 20, 27-28
The Railway Inn (Frank Carpenter) 3, 27-29
Rainfall in St. Agnes (Henry Whitworth et al.) 14, 15-22
The Reconstruction of St. Agnes Harbour (Roger Radcliffe) 6, 3-41
Reggie’s Pasty and a Half (Reg Trezise / Colin Wills) 12, 43-44
Reminiscences of an Evacuee in Barkla Shop (Bill Richens) 22, 12-17
Richard Stephens (John Tabois Tregellas) 1, 13
Robert James Enraght-Moony (1879-1946) (Elizabeth Thompson) 19, 36-37
The Royal Observer Corps and the St. Agnes Observer Post (Roy Kersley) 16, 3-5
Rules of Tywarnhayle Farm (George Gregson White) 25, 58
S.J. Govier, Photographer (Roger Lacy / Clive Benney) 11, 4-12
St Agnes Artists: Cliff Tyrell (Theresa Edwards) 22, 6-11
St Agnes Artists: David Thomas (Robert Jones) 23, 32-35
St Agnes Artists: Erica Suttill (David Cannon / Michael Pope) 23, 27-29
St Agnes Artists: Theodora Salusbury (Michael G. Swift) 22, 43-45
St Agnes Bands, 1837-2017 (Tony Mansell) 23, 11-26 / 24, 49-60
St. Agnes Beacon (Ann Preston-Jones) 13, 1, 3-29
The St Agnes Beds and the Evolution of Cornish Landscape (Peter T. Walsh) 25, 21-35
St. Agnes Boy’s Tragic Holiday (Derek Butcher) 16, 32-35
St. Agnes British and Foreign School (Sue Williams / Anne Knight) 13, 39-48, [49]
St Agnes: Carn Gowla (Des Hannigan) 25, 36-38
St. Agnes Circuit, Cornwall (Joseph Whitehead) 18, 43-48
The St Agnes Cuckoo (Anonymous) 27, 28-29
St. Agnes Feast about 1934 to 1936 (Margaret Davey) 16, 35-37
A St Agnes Horticulturist: Ruby Collett (1900-1990) (Graham Hardy) 21, 41-45
St. Agnes in the Early Nineteenth Century up to about 1840 (Betty Tredinnick / Isaac Rowse / John Ernest Tremewan) 12, 6-16
St Agnes in ‘The first and classic description of Cornwall’ (Peter Thomas) 27, 20-23
The St. Agnes Isolation Hospital (Frank Carpenter) 8, 36-45
The St Agnes Poorhouses (John Branfield) 19, 31-33
St. Agnes Posts (Bill Morrison) 5, 5-23
St. Agnes: Saint, Fire or Tin? (Ann Preston-Jones) 3, 5-7
St. Agnes School 1939-1945 (Arthur Legg) 10, 40-44
St Agnes Surf Life Saving Club, 1954-1994 (David Pugsley) 21, 12-22
St. Agnes Surnames (Bill Morrison) 14, 25-31
The St. Anns Wedding (Anonymous) 11, 37-39
St Piran’s Day and Cornish Festivities in St Agnes, March 1990 (Peter Adams) 27, 24-26
Samuel Solway – Parish Photographer, 1883-1951 (Clive Benney) 7, 6-14
School and Evacuees (Frank Carpenter) 10, 36-39
The Schooner Mary (Tom Thompson) 25, 12-20
The Seabirds of St. Agnes (Christopher Whitworth) 12, 40-42
Sergeant G.E. Pascoe of Mingoose (L. Francoa) 10, 47-50
A Short History of Tywarnhale Mine (Robin Smith) 4, 6-21
A Short Note on Hurling at St. Agnes (Roger Radcliffe) 12, 4-5
Shout Fire (Frank Carpenter) 1, [ii], 3-6
The Sinking of the S.S. Falaba (Graham Bunney) 18, 40-42
The Skinner’s Bottom Murders (Clive Benney) 25, 4-7
Some Cornish Place-Names in St. Agnes Parish (Peter Thomas) 2, 6-11
The Survey of the Harbour (Ann Preston-Jones) 6, 42-47
Thomas Mitchell’s Account of his Life (Thomas Mitchell / Tom Thompson) 20, 4-12
Tin Streaming at Blue Hills (Colin Wills) 15, 39-43
Tom’s History of St. Agnes (Tom Chynoweth / John Tabois Tregellas) 4, 27-29
Tony Giles and Malcolm Arnold (John Branfield) 23, 5-10
Tremuan (John Tabois Tregellas) 21, 23-29
The Trevaunance Adventure (Roger Radcliffe) 1, 24-34
Turbary: the Right to Cut Turf on Mingoose Burrow (John Branfield) 20, 13-15
Two Old Men (Patricia Donahue) 3, 8-10
Tywarnhayle Farm Cash Book 1867 (Keith Martin) 22, 29-39 / 23, 4
The Victory Inn (Frank Carpenter) 5, 41-45
Warship Week 1941 (Keith Atkinson) 2, 39-44
Wartime Memories (Stella Edwards) 10, 33-35
The Water Lane Shoot (Reg Trezise / Cyril Woon) 8, 46
Welcoming Evacuees to St. Agnes (Muriel Kneebone) 11, 27-30
A Well without Water?: the Rise and Fall of the Holy Well at Chapel Porth, St. Agnes (Joanna Mattingly) 14, 4-14
Wheal Butson – our ‘Family’ Mine (John Butson) 19, 15-18
Wheal Coates images for the film All the Little Animals (Clive Benney) 22, 50-51
Wheal Coates Tin Mines Ltd, St Agnes, Cornwall (Neil Roberts) 21, 30-38
Wheal Lawrence (Bill Morrison) 2, 12
When Ted Braithwaite came to tea (John Branfield) 22, 18-20
The White Hart Hotel (Frank Carpenter) 4, 30-33
The Wreck of the Rose of Devon (Clive Benney) 4, 34-38
The Wreck of the S.S. Eltham at Chapel Porth (Clive Benney) 27, 9-16
Yesterday’s St. Agnes Singing Family (Martin Sawle) 11, 31-34
Subject Index
Agnes, Saint 3, 5 / 14, 9 / 16, 36
Agnes, Saint (Folklore) 14, 9 / 19, 35 / 20, 16-19 / 21, 39 / 22, 47-48 / 23, 41-42 / 24, 11-13 / 25, 39-40 / 26, 33-34 / 27, 44-46 / 27, 47
Agriculture 22, 29-39 / 23,4 / 24, 17-32
Air Crashes 18, 34-36
Airfield 18, 37-39
All the Little Animals (film based on novel by Walker Hamilton) 21, 9-10 / 22, 50-51
All the Little Animals (novel by Walker Hamilton) 21, 6-11 / 22, 50
Antiquities 1, 7-11 / 2, 13-17 / 13, 1, 3-29 / 17, 27-30 / 20, 29-31 / 23, 40
Archaeology 1, 7-11 / 2, 13-17 / 13, 1, 3-29 / 17, 27-30 / 20, 29-31
Arnold, Malcolm *23, 5-10
Art 19, 36-37 / 22, 6-11 / 22, 43-45 / 23, 5-10 / 23, 27-29 / 23, 32-35
Bal Boys 17, 3-7
Bal Maidens 17, 3-7
Bands 23, 11-26 / 24, 49-60
Barkla Shop 25, 43
Barnicoat, Guy H. *26, 60-61
Barrows 2, 13-17 / 13, 6-29 / 20, 29-31
Beacon 13, 1, 3-29 / 19, 59 / 20, 29
Beat Unlimited (Band) *27, 4-5
Birds 12, 40-42
Blackney, John Thomas *5, 24-34
Blacksmith’s Shop (Peterville, St Agnes) 1, 12-13
Blackwater 25, 43-48 / 26, 18-20
Blue Hills 15, 39-43
Bolster (Giant) 14, 9 / 19, 34-35 / 20, 16-19 / 21, 39-40 / 22, 46-49 / 23, 40-42 / 24, 3 / 24, 11-13 / 25, 39-40 / 26, 33-34 / 27, 44-46
Bolster Bank 2, 13-17 / 20, 29 / 26, 56-58 / 27, 23
Braithwaite, E.R. *22, 18-20
Brass Bands 23, 11-26
Bulkley, Annette Mabel 27, 27
Bulkley, Helen *27, 27
Burial Board 11, 13-20
Burial Grounds 11, 13-20
Bus Travel 19, 40-43
Butterflies 13, 30-38
Cameron Camp 10, 25-30 / 10, 31-32 / 10, 33-35
Cameron Estate 19, 39 / 24, 36-37 / 26, 17-18
Carew, Richard 27, 20-23
Carn Gowla 25, 36-38
Carter (Family) 7, 15-46
Carter, John *7, 15-46
Cemeteries 11, 13-20
Chapel Porth 14, 4-14
Chapman (Family) 24, 17-32
Cheshire, Esther *12, 36-39
Christianity 1, 11 / 3, 11-22 / 7, 3-5 / 7, 15-46 / 9, 5-19 / 14, 4-14 / 14, 23-24 / 16, 36 / 18, 43-48 / 20, 4-12 / 26, 59-63
Church Dedication (St Agnes) 3, 5-7
Churchyards 11, 13-20
Chynoweth, Tom 4, 27-29
Clathrus Archeri 3, 34-35
Clemo, Jack *26, 59-63
Clemo, Ruth *26, 59-60, 62
Climbing 25, 36-38
Clocks 24, 4-10
Coastal Timetripping 26, 4-15
Cock, Mousey 2, 34-38
Collett, Ruby 21, 41-45
Cornwall County Mother and Baby Home (Rosemundy, St Agnes) 24, 36
Coronation (Queen Elizabeth II) 26, 16-20
Cowling, Janet *17, 18-22
Croft Walker 1, 24-34
Cromwell, Thomas *24, 11-13
Cuckoo (Folklore) 25, 51-55 / 26, 54-58 / 27, 28-29
Dame School (Goonvrea, St Agnes) 22, 21-28
Dedication (St Agnes Church) 3, 5-7
Devil’s Fingers 3, 34-35
Dialect 24, 44-48
Dirtypool Forge 1, 12-13
Down, Philip 16, 32-35
Driftwood Spars 6, 48-53
Durning-Lawrence Trust 4, 22-26
Education 10, 36-39 / 10, 40-44 / 10, 45-46 / 13, 39-48, [49] / 14, 23-24 / 22, 21-28
Edwards, John Passmore *2, 18-33
Elizabeth, II, Queen of the United Kingdom 26, 16-20
Eltham (Ship) 27, 9-16
Enraght-Moony, Robert James 19, 36-37
Evacuees 10, 36-39 / 10, 40-44 / 10, 45-46 / 11, 27-30 / 22, 12-17 / 23, 3-4 / 24, 14-32
Falaba (Ship) 18, 40-42
Farming 22, 29-39 / 23,4 / 24, 17-32
Feast Monday 16, 35-37
Fires 1, [ii], 3-6
First World War See Great War (1914-1918)
Folklore 14, 9 / 19, 34-35 / 20, 16-19 / 21, 39-40 / 22, 46-49 / 23, 40-42 / 24, 11-13 / 25, 39-40 / 25, 51-55 / 26, 33-34 / 26, 54-58
Forge (Peterville, St Agnes) 1, 12-13
Friendly Retreat 19, 13-14
Fungi 3, 34-35
Geology 15, 5-20 + 3 loose figures / 25, 21-35
Gerry, George *3, 8-10 / 7, 47-48
Giant Bolster 14, 9 / 19, 34-35 / 20, 16-19 / 21, 39-40 / 22, 46-49 / 23, 40-42 / 24, 3 / 24, 11-13 / 25, 39-40 / 26, 33-34 / 27, 44-46
Giles, Tony 23, 5-10
Gilpin, George *12, 36-39
Golden Lion 6, 48-53
Goonbell 10, 45-46 / 26, 31-32
Goonbell School 10, 45-46
Goonlaze Downs 2, 13-17
Goonvean Pumping Engine 5, 35-40
Govier, Samuel John *11, 4-12
Graveyards 11, 13-20
Great War (1914-1918) 17, 17 / 18, 40-42 / 19, 5-12
Gunner Dick 1, 12-13
Hales, Elisha 23, 36-39
Hamilton, Walker *21, 6-11 / 22, 50
Hancock (Family) *12, 27-35
Hancock, George Coulter *12, 27-35
Harbour (Trevaunance Porth, St Agnes) 6, 3-41 / 6, 42-47 / 11, 21-26 / 26, 4-15
Harmony Cot 2, 3-5
Harper, Albert *22, 40-42
Harper and Kellow 19, 40-43 / 22, 40-42
Health 8, 36-45 / 17, 8-17 / 17, 18-22 / 19, 38-39
Hedging the Cuckoo 25, 51-55 / 26, 54-58 / 27, 28-29
HMS Triumph 2, 39-44
Hocking, Samuel 24, 4-10
Holy Wells 14, 4-14
Hooper, Ernest George Retallack *17, 23-52 / 18, 3-33
Horticulture 21, 41-45
Hurling 12, 4-5
Isolation Hospital 8, 36-45
James, Anthony 26, 33-34
Jennings (Family) *11, 31-34
Jones, Ken *19, 44-45
Kent, Madeleine *20, 20-26 / 21, 4
Lawrence (Family) *4, 22-26 / 25, 54
Lawrence, Edward 24, 35
Lawrence Villas (Goonown) 4, 22-26
Lepidoptera 13, 30-38
Letcher, Walter 24, 4-10
Long, Frank *24, 14-32
Luck Money 23, 4
Mail Service 5, 5-23
Mannell (Family) 23, 3-4
Manor Parsley 27, 30
Martin, Francis 16, 32-35
Mary (Ship) 25, 12-20
Mawla 25, 49
Mazed Markey 3, 23-26
Medicine 8, 36-45 / 17, 8-17 / 17, 18-22 / 19, 38-39
Methodism 1, 11 / 3, 11-22 / 7, 15-46 / 18, 43-48 / 24, 33-42
Methodist Chapel (St Agnes) 24, 35 / 24, 39
Midwifery 19, 38-39
Mine Workers 17, 3-7
Mineralogy 15, 5-20 + 3 loose figures / 23, 31
Miners’ and Mechanics’ Institute (St Agnes) 2, 18-33
Miners Arms (Mithian) 26, 35-46
Mingoose 20, 13-15 / 25, 49-50
Mingoose Farm 23, 36-39
Mining 1, 24-34 / 2, 12 / 4, 6-21 / 4, 27-29 / 5, 24-34 / 5, 35-40 / 8, 4-9 / 9, 19-26 / 9, 33-35 / 12, 8-10 / 12, 43-44 / 15, 5-20 + 3 loose figures / 15, 21-25 / 15, 26-28 / 15, 39-43 / 17, 3-7 / 17, 23-52 / 18, 3-33 / 19, 15-18 / 21, 23-29 / 21, 30-38 / 23, 30-31 / 24, 43-48 / 26, 64-66 / 27, 20-23
Mitchell, Thomas 20, 4-12
Mithian 26, 35-46 / 27, 30-31
Mithian Church 9, 5-7
Moony, Robert James Enraght- See Enraght-Moony, Robert James
Mortuary Chapels 11, 13-20
Mother and Baby Home (Rosemundy, St Agnes) 24, 36
Moths 13, 30-38
Mount Hawke 9, 5-31 / 9, 32 / 19, 36-37 / 26, 18 / 27, 32-38
Murder 25, 4-7
Museum (St Agnes) 11, 13-20 / 26, 4-15
Music 11, 31-34 / 23, 5-10 / 23, 11-26 / 24, 49-60
Names 2, 6-11 / 2, 12 / 3, 5-7 / 14, 25-31 / 19, 46-58
Navvy Pit 9, 20-22 / 23, 8
New Wheal Towan 15, 26-28 / 15, 29-38
Ninnis (Family) 8, 4-9
Ninnis, James 8, 4-9
Nonconformity 1, 11 / 3, 11-22 / 7, 3-5 / 7, 15-46 / 18, 43-48
Opie, John 2, 3-5 / 19, 59-60 / *25, 9-10
Ornithology 12, 40-42
Pakeman, Angela *19, 38-39
Pascoe, George Edgar *10, 47-50
Passmore Edwards, John See Edwards, John Passmore
Peaty, Ruth See Clemo, Ruth
Personal Names 14, 25-31
Peterville 10, 44
Peterville Chapel 3, 11-22
Photography 7, 6-14 / 11, 4-12
Place-Names 2, 6-11 / 2, 12 / 3, 5-7 / 19, 46-58
Poorhouses 19, 31-33
Pope, Edith See Shrimpton, Edith
Porthtowan 26, 19-20 / 27, 38-43
Porthvean Hotel 4, 30-33
Post Offices 5, 5-23
Prehistoric Remains 1, 7-11 / 2, 13-17 / 13, 1, 3-29 / 17, 27-30 / 20, 29-31
Public Houses 3, 27-29 / 4, 30-33 / 5, 41-45 / 6, 48-53 / 25, 41-50 / 26, 35-46 / 27, 30-43
Public Transport 1, 14-23, [35] / 19, 40-43
Quay 6, 3-41 / 6, 42-47 / 6, 48-53 / 11, 21-26 / 19, 44-45
Queen (Band) 27, 3-8
Radio House 20, 27-28
Railway 1, 14-23, [35]
Railway Inn 3, 27-29
Rainfall 14, 15-22
The Reaction (Band) *27, 5-7
Red Lion (St Agnes) 6, 48-53
Richens, Bill *22, 12-17 / 23, 3-4
Rickard (Family) 3, 30-33
Rickard, Elisha 3, 30-33
Ridholls, Joe *24, 33-42
Roberts, Hilda *22, 21-28
Ropewalk (St Agnes) 2, 13-17
Rose of Devon (Ship) 4, 34-38
Rosemundy (St Agnes) Mother and Baby Home 24, 36
Rowe, Ashley *9, 3-4
Royal Air Force 10, 47-50 / 18, 34-36 / 18, 37-39
RAF Perranporth 18, 37-39
Royal Observer Corps 16, 3-5 / 16, 5-31
Rudall, Alfred *21, 46-52 / 24, 3
St Agnes (Martyr) 3, 5 / 14, 9 / 16, 36
St Agnes (Place-Name) 3, 5-7 / 25, 10
St Agnes (Village, 19th Century) 12, 6-16
St Agnes Beacon 13, 1, 3-29 / 19, 59 / 27, 20-23
St Agnes Church 21, 46-52 / 25, 56-57 / 25, 60 / 26, 59-63
St Agnes Church (Dedication) 3, 5-7
St Agnes Church (Stained Glass) 22, 43-45
St Agnes Feast 16, 35-37
St Agnes Harbour 6, 3-41 / 6, 42-47 / 11, 21-26 / 26, 4-15
St Agnes Head 13, 30-38 / 24, 44 / 25, 36-38
St Agnes Methodist Chapel 24, 35 / 24, 39
St Agnes Miners’ and Mechanics’ Institute 2, 18-33
St Agnes Museum 11, 13-20 / 26, 4-15
St Agnes School 10, 36-39 / 10, 40-44 / 13, 39-48, [49]
St Agnes Surf Life Saving Club 21, 12-22
St Agnes Surgery 17, 18-22
St Piran’s Day 27, 24-26
Salusbury, Theodora 22, 43-45
Sarre, Wilfred 15, 39 / 17, 23-52 / 18, 3-33
School (Goonbell) 10, 45-46
School (St Agnes) 10, 36-39 / 10, 40-44 / 13, 39-48, [49]
School (Dame School, Goonvrea, St Agnes) 22, 21-28
Seabirds 12, 40-42
Seal Sanctuary 19, 44-45
Second World War See World War (1939-1945)
Ship and Castle 6, 48-53
Shipwrecks 4, 34-38 / 27, 9-16
Shrimpton, Edith *26, 21-30
Silverwell 24, 18-32 / 24, 35
Skinner’s Bottom 25, 4-7
Snowe, William Nash 7, 3-5
Solway, Samuel *7, 6-14
South Wheal Towan 9, 19-20
Stained Glass 22, 43-45
SS Eltham 27, 9-16
SS Falaba 18, 40-42
Stephens, Richard 1, 12-13
Stile Fields Mortuary Chapels 11, 13-20
Stone Circles 1, 7-11 / 17, 27-30
Sunday School Outings 12, 36-39
Sunday Schools 14, 23-24
Surnames 14, 25-31
The Survey of Cornwall (book by Richard Carew) 27, 20-23
Suttill, Erica *23, 27-29
Taylor, Roger *27, 3-8
Thomas, David *23, 32-35
Tin Streaming 15, 39-43
Train Travel 1, 14-23, [35]
Tredinnick (Family) *8, 10-35
Tredinnick, Eddie *8, 10-35
Tremewan (Family) *12, 17-26
Tremuan, Tom 21, 25-29
Trevaunance Cove See Trevaunance Porth
Trevaunance Mine 1, 24-34
Trevaunance Porth 6, 3-41 / 11, 21-26 / 19, 44-45
Trevaunance Valley 11, 21-26
Trevellas Airfield 18, 37-39
Trezise, Reg *11, 35-36 / 12, 43-44
Triumph (Ship) 2, 39-44
Tumuli 2, 13-17 / 13, 6-29 / 20, 29-31
Turbary 20, 13-15
Tyler, Vivienne 19, 44-45
Tyrell, Cliff *22, 6-11
Tywarnhayle Farm 22, 29-39 / 23,4 / 25, 58
Tywarnhayle Mine 4, 6-21 / 9, 22-26 / 9, 33-35
United Hills Mine 4, 6-21 / 9, 22-26 / 9, 33-35
Urns (Prehistoric) 2, 13-17
Victory Inn 5, 41-45
Virtual Reality 26, 4-15
War 2, 39-44 / 10, 3-24 / 10, 25-30 / 10, 31-32 / 10, 33-35 / 10, 36-39 / 10, 40-44 / 10, 44 / 10, 45-46 / 10, 47-50 / 11, 27-30 / 16, 3-5 / 16, 5-12, 25-29 / 17, 17 / 18, 34-36 / 18, 37-39 / 18, 40-42 / 19, 5-12 / 19, 19-26 / 19, 27-30 / 22, 12-17 / 24, 14-32
Warship Week (1941) 2, 39-44
wAVE Project 26, 4-15
Wells (Holy) 14, 4-14
Wesley, John 1, 11
West Kitty 22, 40-42
Wheal Butson 19, 15-18
Wheal Coates 21, 30-38 / 22, 50-51
Wheal Friendly Retreat See Friendly Retreat
Wheal Lawrence 2, 12
Wheal Music 9, 20-22 / 23, 8 / 26, 64-65
Wheal Rock 4, 6-21 / 9, 22-26 / 9, 33-35
Wheal Trevaunance 1, 24-34
White Hart 4, 30-33
Whitford, Dick 24, 34-35
Whitworth (Family) *17, 8-17 / *17, 18-22 / 19, 27-30
Whitworth, J.S. 15, 20
World War (1939-1945) 2, 39-44 / 10, 3-24 / 10, 25-30 / 10, 31-32 / 10, 33-35 / 10, 36-39 / 10, 40-44 / 10, 44 / 10, 45-46 / 10, 47-50 / 11, 27-30 / 16, 3-5 / 16, 5-12, 25-29 / 18, 34-36 / 18, 37-39 / 19, 19-26 / 19, 27-30 / 22, 12-17 / 24, 14-32
World War I See Great War (1914-1918)
World War II See World War (1939-1945)
Ystwyth (Ship) 26, 47-53