Annual General Meeting – 15 February 2017

46 Members of St Agnes Museum Trust were welcomed to their 33rd Annual General Meeting in the Methodist Church Hall by our Chairman, Roger Radcliffe.

The Treasurer’s report, read by the Chairman, revealed a total income of £16691, with total payments of £10406, leaving a surplus of £6285, as against a surplus of £2378 in the previous financial year. The Treasurer, Sue Amor, recommended that subscriptions be held at the same rate for 2018.  Gift Aid, collected by Lesley Kazan Pinfield, had raised £2171 and shop sales £7049.

Donnithorne family coat of arms
Donnithorne family coat of arms

The Curator’s report, given by Assistant Curator, Philip Mitchell, mentioned that all information required for Accreditation had been sent to the Arts Council, and showed photographs c1880s-1896 from a photograph album recently acquired at auction, which were much appreciated by Members.  The farming scene shown in the January Newsletter was identified as Presingoll Farm, owned by the Hichens family.

Membership Secretary, Mary Wilson, reported a membership of 212, made up of 129 single, 80 family, 69 lifetime and 3 Honorary. There were 55 Members still to renew for 2017.  Six new Members had joined during the year.

Chairman, Roger Radcliffe, paid tribute to all those who helped keep the Museum open, including all the Stewards, sponsors, who generously contributed to new purchases, donors, who gave objects to the collection, the Curatorial Team, shop managers, Mike and Lynn Furness, the Journal and Newsletter Editors, our membership, and the “quiet army behind the scenes”, including Emily Morgan who maintains the website.  All the officers, including Chairman, Roger Radcliffe, Vice Chairman, Clive Benney, Treasurer, Sue Amor, and Secretary, Laura Coggins, were re-elected unopposed, as were the eight members of the Committee, Isobel Burrows, Clare Murton, Liz Thompson, Mike Furness, Colin Harris, Philip Mitchell, Steve Roberts and Peter Thomas.

After a coffee interval, Philip Mitchell gave a fascinating talk on the Donnithornes of St Agnes, who made and lost a huge fortune based on mining and smelting in 60 years, starting with Nicholas Donnithorne, 1668-1737, and continuing with his sons Joseph (1691-1743), James (1706-1757) and Isaac (1708-1782).  It was Isaac’s son, Nicholas (1744-1796), who lost the family fortune.  Philip, who answered many questions from his appreciative audience, was warmly thanked by the Chairman.