End of Season Report

The Museum has closed for the season having welcomed 5168 visitors, with several group visits to come. We welcome group visits out of season whenever possible. Last year we welcomed 5010 visitors.

Our visitors came from all over the United Kingdom and from 24 different countries. The most overseas visitors came from Australia (61), many seeking information on their mining ancestors, followed by Germany (59) and the USA (52). Most American visitors came from California, and, again, many were researching their family history. There were smaller numbers of visitors from Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and single visitors came from many countries including Hungary, Portugal and Finland. Closer to home, there were many visitors from St Agnes, some who had lived here for many years but never visited before.

So many visitors commented on their warm welcome, the helpful information they were given, the help with family history and the enjoyment of the Cuckoo Hunt. There was particular praise for the surfing exhibition and a request that it remains for 2019. It will!

Here are a few of the comments:

  • Very helpful information about walks and tides
  • Extremely welcoming staff
  • What miners endured!
  • Should have visited years ago
  • Came to visit my great great grandparents who have a headstone in the burial ground
  • You made us and the kids so very welcome
  • Inspired by the painted door, off home to get the paints out
  • Interactive screen is brilliant
  • Very interesting. Shame no large print or audio descriptions
  • Splendid to see myself as a museum piece (Tris Cokes, surfboard maker)
  • Came to see the surfboard exhibition – great, please, please leave this another year – friends from Aus and NZ will be coming

Liz Thompson.