Museum takes part in Health/Activities/Wellness Day

Our Chairman, Roger Radcliffe, had created a wonderful continuous 10-minute display of photos of all aspects of Museum and St Agnes life on his computer for our stand at the first ever “Health/Activities/Wellness Day”, organised by the Patients Participation Group at St Agnes Surgery, and held in the Church Hall on 11 April. The hall was packed with stalls, each with someone to explain how their group could help with health, activity or wellbeing.

Roger Radcliffe at the first ever Health/Activities/Wellness Day
Roger Radcliffe at the first ever Health/Activities/Wellness Day

Roger manned our stall with a little help from Mary Wilson and Liz Thompson. We hoped to promote volunteering (preferably for the Museum!) as a way to increase a sense of wellbeing. Although we didn’t sign any volunteers or new Friends on the day, we distributed leaflets, answered questions and enjoyed watching the photographs with many locals.