The Museum has bought on eBay a most unusual new acquisition. It is a large pebble from Trevaunance Cove, delicately painted with an image of Driftwood Spars, complete with its wooden veranda which no longer exists. It was painted by the late Ron Preedy in 1989. Some Members may remember Ron, who served with the Royal Marines and settled in the village on his retirement. His parents ran the Peterville Inn during his childhood.
In 1984, Ron Preedy, then aged 48, set out from Trevaunance Cove on Lifeboat Day, 2 August, in his 26ft glassfibre sloop, Miss Fidget, on a double crossing of the Atlantic. The signal for him to set sail was a gun salute carried out by a team from the 29 Commando Light Regiment from Plymouth, commanded by Ron until 1977.
He sailed in several stages to the West Indies in time for Christmas and then, also in stages, to Norfolk, Virginia, from where he sailed back to St Agnes, arriving at the end of June 1985.