Christmas Coffee Morning raises £405 for Museum funds

Our Christmas Coffee Morning was held on 10 December when, despite many other attractions in our busy village that morning, we raised a staggering £405 for Museum funds.

You may like to see a breakdown of the figures. Cakes £88.55, Books £56.60, Bric-a-brac £57.43, Raffle £99.48, Coffee £52.80, Shop/cards £45.30, Donation £5.00, giving a total of £405.16. Since then, the sale of some Cornish magazines has raised a further £10 for the book stall.

In addition, our Membership Secretary, Beryl Thomas, was delighted to take £375 in subscriptions and to welcome two new Members to the Trust. New members are always welcome!

Winter coffee morning

As always, we are very grateful to everyone who supports us in any way, with magnificent raffle prizes, scrumptious cakes, additional books and bric-a-brac, or simply by coming, enjoying a coffee and a browse.