Thank you coffee morning for Museum stewards

On Saturday 4 November, 28 of the Stewards, who had kept the Museum open 
seven days a week for seven months, were warmly welcomed by Chairman, 
Roger Radcliffe, and Shop Manager, Mike Furness, to a “Thank You” Coffee 
Morning at St Agnes Museum. It was a chance for Stewards to meet and chat.

Mike Furness thanked all the Stewards for such a good season, with very 
few problems and many positive comments from visitors. The new shop has 
really improved the Museum’s look. Visitor numbers (4,954) were up about 
300 on last year.

The most visitors welcomed – 851 – were by the Monday Marvels, and the 
best sales day was on 10 August when the Thursday Titans sold £174.35 
worth of goods.  The busiest day for visitors was 9 August when 77 
visitors were welcomed.

Sales in the Shop totalled £9,675, online sales £497, the Coffee Mornings 
£193 and Sunday sales £262.  This gave a total of £10,627, including £795 
in donations and Membership fees.  This was down about £1,300 on last 
year but the difference relates almost exactly to the drop in income 
while the online shop was closed. This gave a profit towards Museum 
funds of approximately £4,000 – or half the Museum’s electricity bill!

Among the Museum stock, the best sellers were Blue Hills tin, with 
Tormark Books in second place and local author Clive Benney’s books in 
third. The Museum had 46 different suppliers, all but four of them Cornish.

The light-hearted team placings were as follows:

  • •  Bronze position with sales of £1494 – the Friday Fireballs
  • •  Silver position with sales of £1626 – the Wednesday Wonders
  • •  Gold position with sales of £1753 – the Thursday Titans.

There was an appreciative round of applause for Mike Furness.

Membership Secretary, Mary Wilson, organised the refreshments which were 
much appreciated.